Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stella finds a home

Stella in her favorite spot, behind a couch.
                Today’s blog is a photo essay about the newest addition to our family, Stella.

          To paraphrase Marty Robbins, nobody knows where she came from, we only know she came in.* Stella wandered around our condo complex for a while and seemed to be a shy but friendly cat. Maggie, our silent but watchful dog, watched her walk around the back porch for much of the summer.

          Maggie was accustomed to watching the chipmunks play around the patio, but when the cat showed up, the Chipmunks disappeared. Call of the wild, maybe.

          One of our neighbors took the newcomer to the local shelter for a free operation (to avoid unwanted pregnancies) and adopted her. The adoption didn’t work out, so that neighbor gave her to our immediate next door neighbors.

The time-honored game of cat soccer begins with the paws on the ball
and sticking your tongue out at the opponent, above. Below is a classic
three-paw save.
  Our next door neighbors already have a cat and the chemistry between the felines did not work out. They named the new cat White Paws, but when we decided to take her, her name became Stella.

          I do not know her Jellico name.

Add some marbles to an empty medicine bottle and you
have a cheap cat toy.

          Stella remains shy, but she craves attention. Pick her up and place her on your lap and she wants down. Drop your hand down the side of the couch 10 seconds later and she rubs herself against your hand.

Like any other star, upon discovering the
paparazzi (your loyal blogger), Stella
reacts negatively.

          Maggie now ignores Stella, so we have peace in the house.

          Hoping you have the same, I thank you for reading.

*In the song Mr. Shorty.
Stella's favorite dining spot is The Third Bedroom, where she has a
standing reservation.

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